
IP Finder
Find your IP address
External IP address      Internal IP address     MAC address


What is my IP address?

 Here is YOUR current external IP address:  *

Left arrow

ALTERNATIVE NAME: Your external IP address is also called your public IP address.

IP stands for Internet Protocol, the set of rules that govern the way computers communicate back and forth using the Internet. To fit in with those rules, computers are allocated unique sets of four numbers called IP addresses. (However, in the future you may come across a different format called IPv6 which is being introduced.)

YOUR ISP CAN CHANGE IT: Note that your external IP address is occasionally changed by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) despite no action being taken on your part.
- Many ISPs almost always allocate you a different IP address whenever you  restart your modem and reconnect with them.
- However, some users, particularly businesses and people running servers, pay extra to have a static IP address which does not change.

IP CHECKER: So - come back to this page to check your IP address again when you need to.

*If you wish to double check the above IP address that we have determined you have, you can use another website such as one of these:




What is my internal IP address?

As well as a public or external IP address like your one above, people using a home network with a router also have individual internal IP addresses for each computer and other device, including the router itself. (A router is a connecting device usually combined with your modem.)

To find the internal IP address of the computer you are using, follow these steps.


For Windows 7, XP, Vista and 2000 computers:   For Windows 8 and 10 computers:
- click Start (bottom left)
- click Run
- type: cmd
- type: ipconfig
  - click the Start button
- in the Start menu's Search bar, type: cmd
- type: ipconfig

- look for the line beginning IPv4 Address or IP Address
- on the same line you should see a group of four numbers, probably beginning with 192.168. That group is your INTERNAL IP ADDRESS.

Extra information:

Another address, called Default Gateway, will also probably begin with 192.168. This group of four numbers is your router's IP address, not your computer's IP address.

Most people can ignore any IPv6 Address that is showing.

For Windows 98 computers:

Follow the same Windows 7 steps - but instead of typing cmd, type command.
The internal IP address will be called "IP Address".

For help with Linux and Mac computers, see the steps at the Wikibooks website, Finding your IP address.

YOU CONTROL THE INTERNAL IP ADDRESSES: The router's internal IP address is normally set for you (but not fixed) by the manufacturer. The other internal IP addresses are set by you or by whoever has set up your home network (sometimes the addresses are allocated automatically during this process). It is best to leave them alone. Above all, avoid having two devices with the same IP address.

IPv6 ADDRESSES: Most people won't need to bother right now, but if you really are interested in information about the new IPv6 IP addresses, see one of these websites:
Use IPv6
What is my v6


What is my MAC address?

EXPLANATION: Your "MAC address" is the address of the network card inside your computer, where your network cable plugs in.

WHY IT IS CALLED "MAC": "MAC" stands for "media access control". The term does NOT originate from Apple "Mac" computers.

You can find your MAC address by adding this step to the STEPS above:
- type: getmac

- then look for your MAC address:
    -- it is normally called Physical Address
    -- it consists of six or seven pairs of digits and letters, like 20-CF-30-EC-72-6A


The MAC address is not only set by the manufacturer of the network card but is burned-into one of the components of the card.
- Unlike an IP address, this MAC address is a fixed address.
- However, you can usually place a copy of this MAC address in a location called a local MAC address where of course the copy can be changed.

More information on changing MAC addresses:





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Last modified 1 Oct 2017